Publications, documents and all other content
Displaying 701 - 710 of 1354 items
Toolkit for managing international river corridors
How to save an island: natural habitat restoration in the Hungarian Lower Danube
Putting nature to work
Towards sustainable flood management: progress on the first Danube Flood Risk Management Plan
Danube solidarity: united across borders to fight the floods
2014: record flooding in the Danube River Basin
Guiding Principles: Sustainable Hydropower Development - GERMAN (5.02 MB)
Deutsche Version: Leitlinien zum nachhaltigen Ausbau der Wasserkraft im Einzugsgebiet der Donau. -
TNMN Yearbook 2011 - data annex (797.62 KB)
TNMN Yearbook 2011 (1.65 MB)
ICPDR highlighted at 3rd EUSDR Annual Conference
Vienna, 26/27 June 2014. The 3rd EUSDR Annual Conference put the spotlight on the ICPDR at several occasions: the commission’s 20th anniversary was celebrated through a special session; and exhibitions, plenary and working group sessions dealt with improving the alignment of ICPDR and EUSDR work – reinforced by a ministerial declaration.