Displaying 1 - 10 of 819 items
Annual Report 2023 (Accessible version) (4.68 MB)
The ICPDR 2023 Annual Report accessible version is now available. -
Making the Iron Gate Dams Passable - We Pass 2 (1.98 MB)
The We Pass 2 project is an initiative focused on restoring fish migration routes in the Danube River Basin, particularly at the Iron Gate Dams. By addressing the barriers caused by these hydropower... -
Interim Report on the Implementation of the Joint Program of Measures in the Danube River Basin 2024 (8.2 MB)
This brochure is a snapshot of the progress to implement measures improving the environmental situation of the waters in the Danube River Basin today and what’s still yet to come as the region’s many... -
The Plastic Crisis Macro and Micro (4.33 MB)
This informative pamphlet discusses the rising concern of microplastics and the challenges of ensuring safe and clean drinking water for the Danube region -
Guidance Document on Managing Hazardous Substances Pollution (2.24 MB)
This policy guidance recommends sound policy instruments and effective measures to protect aquatic environment against HS emissions for decision makers in the water management policy field. It offers... -
Policy Guidance on Tackling Riverine Plastic Pollution in the Danube River Basin (4.72 MB)
This gap-filling document provided a comprehensive overview of the relevant sector-specific legislation, described the institutional structure of each country and the mechanisms related to pollution. -
Annual Report 2022 (Accessible Version) (4.07 MB)
The ICPDR 2022 Annual Report accessible version is now available. -
TNMN Yearbook 2021 (4.45 MB)
TNMN Yearbook 2021 Annex (394.32 KB)
Accidental Pollution Hazard in the Danube River Basin (Final Report) (1.69 MB)
This technical report presents the results of the latest hazard and risk assessments regarding accidental pollution based on currently updated inventories, providing full technical information on...