Public consultation on 2015 management plans
The ICPDR supports the active involvement of stakeholders and civil society on all levels of its work. The most important work plans of the ICPDR are the Danube River Basin Management Plan and the Flood Risk Management Plan. Both were developed with a range of public consultation measures.

The ICPDR strives to improve and protect a high level of water quality, works towards sustainable development and floodrisk management in the Danube River Basin. This work started with the Danube River Protection Convention, but also includes the EU Water Framework Directive and the EU Floods Directive.
In line with the objectives of these legal bodies, the ICPDR develops work programs for 6-year periods, a River Basin Management Plan and the Floodrisk Management Plan for the Danube River Basin District. These plans are the central work programs for the ICPDR. As such, they should be developed with strong involvement of civil society and stakeholders from the beginning.
For the current implementation cycle, the ICPDR pursued activities that ensured a high level of public consultation in the development of the plans - such as stakeholder workshops, online surveys or public calls for the submission of comments on draft documents. These increased in intensity in 2015. The plans and report materials on public consultation work were adopted by the 18th Ordinary Meeting on 1/2 December 2015.
Below, you find links to the relevant references, documents and news items around the public consultation for these management plans. Note that a comprehensive overview is given in the "Public Consultation Report 2015.
For more concise summaries of comments given and the consideration of them, see the Overview Reply Table for the DRBMP Update 2015 and the Overview Reply Table for the 1st DFRMP.
This activity was supported by the EU Grant LIFE 2014 "Support for the development of the 2nd DRBM and 1st DFRM Plan".