Public Consultation 2021: Results

This page contains all of the various documentation on outcomes from the ICPDR's Public Consultation Process for the Danube River Basin Management Plan & Danube Flood Risk Management Plan Updates 2021
The ICPDR supports the active involvement of stakeholders and civil society on all levels of its work. Two of the most important plans to the ICPDR are the Danube River Basin Management Plan and the Flood Risk Management Plan, aiming to implement the legal requirements of WFD and FD, comprising strategic guiding plans for water management over the course of six years. Both are to be developed with a range of public consultation measures.
In line with the objectives of these legal bodies, the ICPDR develops work programs for 6-year periods, a River Basin Management Plan and the Floodrisk Management Plan for the Danube River Basin District. These plans are the central work programs for the ICPDR. As such, they should be developed with strong involvement of civil society and stakeholders from the beginning. Communities can become more meaningfully involved in the work of the ICPDR if they are well informed about its objectives and structure. Public information, educational initiatives and outreach activities are therefore already being utilised to support public participation, in addition to the more general use of social media as a communication tool.
For the current implementation cycle, in 2021 the ICPDR pursued activities that ensured a high level of public consultation in the development of the plans to maximum of their ability, making fresh new usage of online measures considering the limitations of the pandemic.
Below, you find links to the relevant references, documents and news items around the public consultation for these management plans.
This activity was supported by funding from the European Union.
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992. As members of the LIFE family of the European Commission – and under LIFE's 2019 preparatory programme – the ICPDR was able to develop and disseminate the DRBMP & DFRMP Updates 2021.
The ICPDR would like to thank the LIFE programme for making the development of these vital plans possible, and for ensuring the public can be reached and informed in a transparent process, in-keeping with the requirements of the WFD & FD.
More information can be found in the Final Report on the LIFE DRBMP DFRMP 2021 project.