Public Participation: Interim Overview on Significant Water Management Issues (SWMIs)
Vienna, 20 Dec 2019. The ICPDR provides an interim overview on Significant Water Management Issues (SWMIs) in the Danube River Basin District for the 3rd Danube River Basin Management Plan (3rd DRBMP) and invites the public to comment on this document until June 2020.

The ICPDR is currently developing its third management plan for the Danube River Basin for the period between 2021 and 2027. This plan aims to further protect and enhance the status of all waters and to ensure the sustainable, long-term use of water resources.
For the development of the management plan, representatives of civil society and stakeholders are called to contribute their views through public consultation measures. As the people of the Danube River Basin will be affected by the measures following the plan, they are given the opportunity to have a word on its development from the outset.
Since 2013, the ICPDR has been providing an interim overview on Significant Water Management Issues
(SWMIs), the key areas to be addressed by the 3rd Danube River Basin Management Plan.
The public is invited to provide comments on the document to the ICPDR Secretariat until 22nd June 2020. Please send your comments to:
ICPDR Secretariat
Vienna International Centre, Room D0412
Wagramer Strasse 5
A-1220 Vienna, Austria
Following the development of this "SWMI Report" and the public consultation phase, the 3rd DRBMP will be drafted and made available to the public for comments in a similar fashion. These public participation measures follow the provisions of the Water Framework Directive, Article 14, and the "WFD and EFD: Public Participation Plan" of the ICPDR.
Public Participation for Management Plans on national level
The countries of the ICPDR follow the same procedures to ensure public participation for national level management plans. Here you can find further information for individual countries.