Displaying 241 - 250 of 817 items
Danube Watch 1/2018 (4.38 MB)
The Challenge of Water resilience, ICPDR Presidency 2018, Ice Management ICPDR Releases "Ice Report 2017"
Freezing weather conditions in the winter months have been a fact of life on the Danube since time immemorial, but the months of January and February 2017 saw many countries in the Danube Basin and its tributaries facing an especially bleak situation.
Climate Change Adaptation - Update of the Danube Study (3.59 MB)
Integrating and editing new scientific results in climate change research and the resulting impacts on water availability to revise the existing adaptation strategies in the Danube River basin -
Guiding Principles: Sustainable Hydropower Development - SLOVENE (936.22 KB)
Smernice za trajnostno hidroenergetsko rabo povodja Donave -
Groundwater Guidance (2.84 MB)
Danube Watch 3/2017 - FACTS: the World Bank
Danube Watch 3/2017 - The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive
Danube Watch 3/2017 - METEET initiative
Danube Watch 3/2017 - SOLUTIONS
Danube Watch 3/2017 - Urban Wastewater Treatment: getting the broader picture