Danube Watch 3/2017 - METEET initiative
First workshop on the Integrated Planning of Inland Waterways Transport Projects hailed a success
T he Croatian Agency for Inland Waterways hosted a two-day workshop in Vukovar on 28 - 29 September 2017 with the Mixed Environment Transport External Expert Team (METEET). The objective: to enhance the integrated planning of inland waterways transport (IWT) projects.
The aim of the workshop was to provide guidance for water authorities in the Danube region to enable them to address environmental issues that may arise during the planning and implementation of inland navigation projects, while taking into account the need to adhere to European environmental legislation. The workshop was guided by two external experts Alexander Zinke and Jasna Muškatirović from the fields of environment and transport. Mr Zinke is Senior Project Coordinator for Water and Environment in the Surface Waters Department of the Austrian Environment Agency and Ms Muškatirović is Senior Advisor and Head of Department at the Serbian Directorate for Inland Waterways. The event was observed by the European Commission, the Danube Commission, the ICPDR, and the International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC).
Over the course of two days, the participants enhanced their knowledge of European legislation concerning transport and the environment. The Platina Manual on good practices in sustainable waterway planning and the Joint Statement on Guiding Principles for the Development of Inland Navigation and Environmental Protection in the Danube River Basin were also discussed in depth.
All participants found the workshop extremely useful, especially the advice, guidance and presentations provided by the experts. This newly gained knowledge will be extremely useful for the integrated planning of future inland navigation projects.
What is METEET?
The Mixed Environment Transport External Expert Team (METEET) was set up as a result of the Joint Statement initiative launched in 2007 by the ICPDR in cooperation with the Danube Commission and the ISRBC.
METEET’s purpose is to assist and coordinate with regional inland waterway transport authorities, on a voluntary basis, and to develop and foster an integrated and environmentally friendly approach to infrastructural projects in the field of inland navigation. The team is managed by a steering committee composed of representatives from the Danube Commission Secretariat (DC), the ICPDR Secretariat, and the European Commission Directorates for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), the Environment (DG ENV) and Regional Policy (DG REGIO). The ISRBC is an observer. The team’s activities are financed by the European Commission.
The METEET team consists of waterway transport and infrastructure experts along with environmental experts to provide advice to regional authorities in developing sustainable strategies, plans and projects in the field of inland navigation. This advice takes into account European environmental legislation from the drafting process onwards in order to analyse impact, constraints and possible mitigation and compensation measures at a very early stage.
The team carries out training missions in countries throughout the Danube River Basin and its experts seek to provide advice to competent authorities in developing sustainable strategies, plans and projects in the field of inland navigation on the Danube. Waterway transport and infrastructure experts also work closely with environmental experts to fulfil relevant EU and international inland navigation requirements in the basin.
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