World Bank Announces Workshop for Danube Water Program

The ICPDR is happy to continue our workshop series jointly organised with the World Bank's Danube Water Program, with a forthcoming event discussing sustainable financing of wastewater management with experts from and beyond the Danube River Basin to be held on 3rd February 2022.
This workshop, titled "Financial sustainability of wastewater management in the Danube region", aims at providing government and utility representatives with knowledge and expertise on sustainable modernization efforts in wastewater management sector.
The workshop will address three thematic areas:
- the status of financial sustainability of wastewater management in Danube region, based on findings of existing analytical works and recent studies on the topic,
- a way forward to achieve sustainable wastewater management at policy level, based on practical experiences on the national level, including policy and regulatory-related challenges, development of national strategies, tariff setting, financial sustainability, service affordability, etc,
- best practices of sustainable wastewater services development at the utility level, based on experiences from individual utilities or consultants, and focusing on O&M costs, technology choices, and longer-term business and investment planning.
This event is free of charge and open to everybody with an interest in the topic, but focuses primarily on national and local governments, technical management professionals and senior staff of utilities.
The World Bank / IAWD Danube Water Program supports smart policies, strong utilities and sustainable water and wastewater services in the Danube region by partnering with regional, national and local stakeholders, promoting an informed policy dialogue around the sector’s challenges and strengthening the technical and managerial capacity of the sector’s utilities and institutions.
Further information, registration details, and to see the draft agenda, visit the links below.