The Last Mile: World Bank and ICPDR co-organize a workshop on rural water service management

For many countries in the Danube region, achieving universal access to water services while safeguarding water resources remains a significant challenge, particularly in rural areas.
Despite the imperative of EU accession and harmonization processes, rural water services provision often takes a back seat to compliance requirements for larger urban centres. As a result, many rural communities are lagging behind with inadequate water supply, wastewater management, and treatment facilities due to limited resources and societal awareness. Addressing these disparities will be a key focus of the upcoming workshop, as stakeholders seek to bridge the gap and advance sustainable water management practices throughout the region.
The World Bank, under its Danube Water Program, has joined forces with the ICPDR to deliver regional workshops addressing rural water services management in the Danube Region. These workshops aim to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with achieving compliance with EU water directives while focusing on the specific needs of rural communities.
In February 2021, a successful inaugural workshop on Rural Wastewater Treatment was conducted virtually, highlighting the pressing need for focused discussions on rural water management. Building on this momentum and recognizing continued interest in the topic, the organizers are proud to announce the second workshop, themed around Rural Water Services Delivery. Scheduled for 17-18 April 2024 in Vienna, with an accompanying site visit in Lower Austria, this event will focus on the intricacies of water service management in small rural agglomerations. With a primary focus on providing efficient and affordable services for these communities, the workshop aims to enhance capacity building for government representatives and water sector professionals across the Danube region. Through cross-country knowledge exchange and experience sharing, participants will work towards advancing sustainable water management practices tailored to the unique needs of rural areas.
The Workshop, hosted by the World Bank, is scheduled for 17 April 2024 in a hybrid format, welcoming all interested experts and stakeholders. Whether attending in person or virtually, participants are encouraged to join this vital discussion on rural water services delivery in the Danube region. Don't miss out on the opportunity to engage with leading experts and contribute to shaping sustainable water management practices.
Explore the detailed program and secure your spot at the Workshop!