Joint Programme of Measures

The Joint Programme of Measures is constructed upon the findings of the pressure analysis and the assessment of water status. These serve as the foundation for updating the Danube River Basin Management Plan, incorporating measures of basin-wide significance aligned with the established visions and management objectives outlined in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for the year 2027.
The publication of an interim report to the European Commission within three years of the publication of each river basin management plan, describing progress in implementing the planned programme of measures stands as a mandatory obligation as per Article 15(3) of the WFD. Grounded in the national programs of measures, this document delineates the anticipated enhancements in water status targeted for achievement by 2027.
The Joint Programme of Measures distinctly underscores priorities essential for the efficacious execution of national measures on a basin-wide scale. These priorities not only hold significance in their own right but also serve as the groundwork for comprehensive international coordination efforts.
In the first (2009-2015) and second (2016-2021) WFD implementation cycles, the ICPDR prepared – in addition to the national reports – an Interim Report on Progress in the Implementation of the Joint Program of Measures for level A.
An Interim Report for the third (2022-2027) WFD implementation cycle is in progress and will be published in 2024.
Interim Reports provide information on the progress in implementing the Joint Programme of Measures, the actions being taken to achieve the environmental objectives, improve the status of water bodies, and practical “success stories” due to measures implementation.