Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Risk management

  • Recognition of existing dams in flood risk assessment and management, because they contribute to flood risk management

  • Including climate change into current risk management strategies as part of a larger planning process concerning hydropower and thermal power generation

  • Managing flood pathways for dams

  • Taking actions to determine the critical infrastructure in the energy system (hydroelectric dams) in order to determine the measures required in case of extreme weather phenomena

Risk management system

  • Promotion and support of integrated risk management that fully exploits the potential of possible protective measures in a coordinated way. These protective measures include prevention (land use planning, early warning systems, care of protective forests, renaturation of waterways, protective structures), disaster management (intervention) and reconstruction

  • Integration of the objective of risk prevention and vulnerability reduction into all levels of spatial planning

  • Improvement of understanding of public perceptions to establish the optimal balance between levels of service, risk and adaptation costs

Risk mapping

  • Identification of potential risk areas (areas, infrastructures and utilities)


  • Implementation of a clear definition and methodology for estimating economic, social and environmental cost of droughts

Structural flood protection / adaptation of urban infrastructure

  • Improvement of existing drainage systems and capacity, including the separation of sewage, sewer relief from flood waters by offsite pumping and other solutions