Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Restoration of most valuable ecosystems/habitats

  • Wetlands restoration, preserving existing peatlands and re-naturalisation where it is possible

  • Renaturation of rivers and riparian systems in order to buffer run-off peaks, offer additional flood plains and habitat for rare ecological communities


  • Consequent implementation of restrictions of development in risk areas like in riverside belts and floodplains and areas of high groundwater level as well as restrictions on storing materials, substances and objects that could be washed away

review of existing systems

  • Examination of the capacity of the Farm Advisory System to reinforce training, knowledge and adoption of new technologies that facilitate adaptation

Risk assessment concerning climate change effects for the hydroelectric sector

  • identification and evaluation of potential supply risks

  • identification of impacts on hydropower production

  • evaluation of dam safety

  • evaluation of other infrastructure in the energy system such as transportation and distribution systems (including potential future changes in plant production, peak supply, and plant margins, at the cross sectoral level)

  • Consideration of consequences for the ecology of rivers in the field of storage management

  • Reduction of the impact of hydro-electric plants on the environment by improving the efficiency of existing artificial lakes and electricity plants and deciding on common guidelines for the construction of small power stations