Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Mapping risk areas

  • Establishment, use and regularly adaptation of flood hazard, risk and vulnerability maps and databases including uncertainty related to climate change impacts (e.g. support the Danube FLOODRISK project) in order to increase public awareness of the areas at risk from flooding, to provide information of areas at risk to give input to spatial planning and to support management and the reduction of the risk to people, property and the environment

Measures to save and protect water

  • Reduction of evaporation

  • Reduction of water demand

  • Improvement of water use efficiency by appropriate/sustainable land use (for example conservation tillage, mulching, adapted irrigation and cultivation methods that save water) and water conservation technologies

  • Implementation of water pollution control areas along rivers

  • Use of irrigation with emphasis on irrigation efficiency and water saving

Modernisation of the Danube fleet

  • Innovation, dedicated fleet modernisation and optimised waste management measures, in order to improve environmental and economic performance of Danube navigation

  • Establishment of a common approach for the modernisation of inland vessels

  • Technological developments in terms of innovative vessels, engines and optimised fuel consumption (e.g.: retrofitting with particle filter, using low emission fuel, using onshore power while docking)

Money supply

  • Establishment of a national fund for assistance in the case of natural disasters