Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.


  • Conduct regular evaluation and improvement of strategies and adaptation measures

  • Establishment of national monitoring networks to follow the ecological changes caused by that of the climate and integrating this system into the relevant international networks

  • of the aquatic environment

  • Introduction of Automatic Weather Stations and connection with hydrological stations, particularly with the purpose of automatic monitoring and software control of the situation at river basins

  • Ensuring that monitoring systems used in the DRB have the ability to detect climate change impacts on ecological and chemical water status as well as the effects of climate change adaptation measures

  • Observation of changes in surface and groundwater systems, floods, droughts and water quality, climate-related warming of lakes and rivers

  • Cooperation in the field of monitoring and assessment - in particular Danubian States shall agree upon monitoring points, river quality characteristics and pollution parameters regularly to be evaluated for the Danube River with a sufficient frequency taking into account the ecological and hydrological character of the watercourse concerned as well as typical emissions of pollutants discharged within the respective catchment area

  • Review of the monitoring programmes under the WFD for their adequacy in reliably detecting and assessing such impacts

  • Development of vulnerability maps

  • Climate: Enhancement of climate monitoring to improve data for weather, climate and hydrologic modelling to aid understanding of water-related impacts and management options