Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Implementation of the FD

  • Use the EU Floods Directive as a legal framework for a coordinated approach to assess and manage flood risks

Improved forest management

  • Pre-cautionary measures

  • Restoration of the forests, damaged by forest fires or other natural disasters, using native tree species, where possible (natural regeneration should be prioritized)

  • Creating a system of “protecting forest strips”

  • Application of climate change oriented forest research results in the renewal of forests

  • Implementation of measures to protect and / or enhance biodiversity (for example restore swamps and alluvial forests; natural forest reserves)

  • Increasing the forest cover with the aim to contribute to climate change mitigation and increasing the biodiversity

  • Strengthening of the natural regeneration of natural forests and their sustainable use

  • Maintenance of non-closed canopy in the forest steppe zone

  • The creation of habitat networks