Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Improved forest management

  • Planting of forests in the vicinity of cities (urban forestry)

  • Implementation of sustainable management of forest ecosystems, adjusted to changes, for the provision of their environmental function as well as being a source of biomass, wood for products for the conservation of carbon, and carbon sinks

  • Improvement of the forest management (objectives, framework, principles) regarding to the adaptation to the climate change (according to the latest research)

  • Development and implementation of projects aimed at planting protection forestry strips (buffer zones) for agricultural lands protection, antierosional, for waters protection

  • Establishment of plantation forests for the needs of industry and energy; planting of energy forests to satisfy the needs of population in fuel wood for heating, cooking, etc.

  • Sanitary felling and reconstruction of degraded forests

  • Intensive reforestation

  • Application of forest management based on natural processes; implementing forest management systems that support and protect sustainable forest management mainly in utilizing natural processes with minimization of energy inputs, natural regeneration of forests, increasing forest area, care and protection of existing forests, conversion of coppice forests into high forests

  • Thinning out of the young stands to increase water and light availability

  • Reduction of spruce stands vulnerable to drier conditions