Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Determine vulnerability

  • Assessment of climate change impacts on the natural status of surface and underground waters, for important rivers (e.g. for each hydrographical basin > 1000 kmІ, out of which the necessary adaptation measures should result)

  • Conduct a climate vulnerability assessment of basin ecosystems

  • Determination of the limits to adaptation (time of implementation, space limit the action will be helpful)

Development / adaptation of the agricultural infrastructure

  • Promotion of the retention of water in the agricultural landscape, especially in drought-risk farm and forestry landscapes

  • Implementation of precaution measure to enable sufficient water storage in water dams

  • Construction of reservoirs and canals for agricultural needs

  • Elaboration and implementation of hydro- and agro-technical complex systems of accumulation and efficiently utilization of atmospheric precipitations e.g. small-scale water conservation measures, such as collecting water from farm buildings and constructing on farm reservoirs to supply water for agricultural activities

  • Application and expansion of irrigation for agriculture: choose the most suitable irrigation method considering type of crop, soil type, technology, costs and benefits.

Development / enhancement of models for

  • Climate: Elaboration of regional models and climate scenarios for each agro-pedoclimatic zone to provide information on the frequency and duration of droughts and frosts and to diminish the uncertainty rate

  • Vegetation: Development of special sub-models incorporated into models of agroecosystems which simulate plant-protection situations, related to climate change; extension of the phenological models with stochastic elements, risk functions for races, types, regions