Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Development /adaptation of pesticides /fertilization and the pest system/management

  • Use of natural organic fertilizers, adapted to needs/demands

  • Reduction of fertiliser and pesticide use

  • Use nitrogen fertilizers more efficient

  • Reduction of nitrification by draining agricultural areas

  • Application of integrated pest management

Development and application of new, water-use efficiency related techniques

  • Improvement of water management to prevent water logging, erosion and leaching, e.g. including agriculture in water management programmes

  • Efficiency improvement in irrigation and water use through the introduction of modern technological developments

  • Application of technological measures to increase the efficiencies of irrigation systems

  • Adoption of water-efficient technologies to ‘harvest’ water, conserve soil moisture (e.g. crop residue retention), and reduce siltation and saltwater intrusion

Development of a biodiversity indicator system

  • Determine the need for indicators, information and equipment, as well as priorities for long-term monitoring of climate change impacts on biodiversity