Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Change management methods

  • Use the land according to its soil and climate conditions potential

  • Improvement of inter-sector planning and integral management of water resources in catchment areas of importance to agriculture

  • Consideration of all management and planning aspects of agricultural activity adapted to climate change and of variability with specific short- and long-term strategies with respect to crop protection, watering, fertilisation, plant breeding, production, site selection, etc.

  • Integrated landscaping for soil protection

  • Preservation of existing pastures and revitalisation of abandoned pastures

Changes in forestry practices

  • Agro-technical analysis, selection and public production of plant types capable to adapt to different climatic conditions, research, development and application of production technologies for such plants

  • Adapted cultivation techniques in forestry to be prepared for water shortages

  • Improvement in technical infrastructure

  • Adoption of measures for forest protection and forest safeguarding (e.g. natural regeneration of mountain forests by limiting populations of hoofed animals, reduction of areas where clear cutting is allowed) together with police services, NGO’s, municipalities, etc.

  • Statutory prohibition for forest land exchange and the change of the purpose of forest land for the period of 20 years except for important public services