Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Changes in forestry practices

  • Development and implementation of projects aimed at planting protection forestry strips for agricultural land and water protection

  • “Future Forests Programme”: Reconstruction of forests from spruce to mixed forests

Changes in agricultural practices

  • Promotion of extensive and ecological agricultural practices, using modern farming techniques

  • Change cultivation method: change to systems which may be more resilient e.g. mixed farming, organic farming (in addition these measures potentially contribute to biodiversity conservation)

  • Consolidation of the application of good practice in agriculture

  • Implement adapted cultivation techniques in agriculture and forestry to be prepared for water shortages

  • Ensure the traditional Slovak species breeding, to support the domestic species and help adapt them to the present-day conditions with the purpose of more stable productivity

  • Changing cropping patterns e.g. avoiding monoculture, going for longer rotations, taking sensitive crops out of the rotation, modification of crop rotation e.g. reduce the share of summer crops and increase the share of winter crops in the harvest structure, altering cultivation intensity, diversify production to increase flexibility

  • Reinvention and maintenance of traditional elements of land use and landscape management, e.g. cutting and harvesting the grass of meadows and/or grazing animals on them, in mountain areas traditional extensive grazing under shepherd supervision (to prevent increased risk of erosions and landslides, due to unsupervised livestock rambling on steep unstable slopes)

  • Changing management intensity in the species mix, rotation periods, adjusting to altered wood size and quality, and adjusting fire management systems