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Reviewing 'The Danube – A Cultural History'
A proposed regulation would uniformly
limit phosphorous compounds in laundry
detergents, resulting in a major
reduction of pollution loads to the Danube
River and beyond to the Black Sea.Sungai Perak: a special river
With the new sub-basin management plan for the Tisza, the Tisza Group and the
countries of the Tisza River Basin have achieved significant progress and an outstanding
example of cooperation.The Amazon of Europe
While flood risk management means cooperative planning, countries
around the region are putting ideas into action to protect themselves
against threatening waters.Towards a stronger Europe: an EU Danube macro- region strategy
Nature and time combine in one of the
most beautiful national parks in Europe
with one of the oldest geologic histories.
The unique biodiversity of the area
shares space with the permanent relics
of eight thousand years of culture
along the Danube.-
Danube Watch 2/2011 (2.02 MB)
Migration, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
A new game puts the Danube Basin and its natural and cultural treasures in the
spotlight and gives players the incentive to spend time exploring the river – proving
that learning doesn’t have to be boring.-
Final Summary Brochure of the UNDP/GEF Tisza project and Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan - 2011 August (21.57 MB)
Danube Day 2011 in the Light of the Danube Strategy
Danube Basin, 29 June 2011. Danube Day 2011 will be celebrated on the 29th of June and calls on people of the 14 countries to get active in protecting water resources. This year, the annual Danube Day will receive a lot of attention, as it coincides with the adoption of the European Union (EU) Danube Strategy. This set of EU policies and initiatives will affect the lives of more than 100 million Europeans who live in the Danube catchment area and neighbouring regions.
TNMN Yearbook 2008 - Data Annex (1.37 MB)
TNMN Yearbook 2008 (2.12 MB)