Publications, documents and all other content
Project ‘East of Vienna’: public participation for in-situ tests
Eight Danube countries participated in a specialised course to learn methods of
analysing biological quality elements that would be compliant with the EU Water
Framework Directive. Sharing this information ensures that all countries across
the basin can reach the goals of the directive.Man on the river
Presidency 2012: Austria - strengthening the core
20 Years of Black Sea Protection Convention
Istanbul, 21 April 2012. The Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention) celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Since the signing in Bucharest, the Convention has become a powerful instrument of International Environmental Law in the Black Sea Basin.
ICPDR and ICPBS: Joint responsibilities for water reinforced
Istanbul, 12 April 2012. At a meeting on 12 April 2012, representatives of the ICPDR and the International Black Sea Protection Commission expressed their understanding of joint responsibility for the management of water. As the main tributary to the Black Sea, the water quality of the Danube is directly linked to sensitive environment of the Black Sea.
Agriculture and Environment: Corporations taking action in river basin management
Budapest, 23 March 2012. The role of leading companies in contributing to the conservation and protection of water and freshwater eco-systems in the Danube River Basin were discussed at an Agricultural Forum held in Budapest on 23 March 2012.
Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Report 2012 (595.09 KB)
Ensuring the Sustainable Use of our Most Critical Finite Resource - Water
Vienna, 20 March 2012. Over the coming decades, feeding a growing global population and ensuring food and nutrition security for all will depend on increasing food production. This, in turn, means ensuring the sustainable use of our most critical finite resource - water. A message by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon upon the occasion of World Water Day 2012.
Danube River Basin Management Plan Brochure (9.88 MB)
International co-operation for healthy rivers in Europe
Vienna, 27 February 2012. The ICPDR and the International River Foundation (IRF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in programmes and activities that promote and strengthen efforts towards good river basin management in Europe and throughout the world.