Publications, documents and all other content
Displaying 631 - 640 of 1354 items
JDS3 Results published
Vienna, 22 March 2015. Just in time for this year's World Water Day, the Joint Danube Survey 3 Final Scientific Report was published today.
Stakeholder Workshop registration - last places
Danube Basin, 6 May 2015. The ICPDR Stakeholder Consultation Workshop will take place in Zagreb (Croatia) on 2/3 July 2015. Registration has officially ended, but there are still places available - register here.
Danube Watch 1/2015 (1.7 MB)
Governing water – preventing conflicts: the OSCE promotes water governance
ICPDR Presidency 2015 – finding basin-wide harmony through cooperation
Regional efforts to restore water quality
Building trust between stakeholders
Social action for sustainable small hydropower
The Danube inspires a river survey in southern Africa
Riparian bird species as indicators for river dynamics and morphology