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Danube Watch 1/2017 - Bottling the spirit of Danube cooperation
ICPDR President on World Water Day: proper wastewater management reduces adverse impacts on waters in the basin
Vienna, 20 March 2017 - Wastewater from homes, cities, industry and agriculture flowing back to nature without being treated or reused pollutes the environment in many regions. Without proper wastewater treatment we are losing valuable nutrients and releasing dangerous substances. Beside significant threats to human health, the impact on water resources and ecosystems is tremendous.
ICPDR releases Report on the 2015 droughts in the Danube River Basin
In 2015 significant parts of the Danube River Basin were affected by droughts which negatively impacted different water-dependent economic sectors, vegetation and the aquatic environment. This is the latest of a series of drought events which occurred in Europe during the last decade.
The 2015 Droughts in the Danube River Basin (1.94 MB)
In 2015 significant parts of the Danube River Basin were affected by droughts which negatively impacted different water-dependent economic sectors, vegetation and the aquatic environment. This is the... Preparing for the Oceans Conference: ICPDR invited to share technical expertise from SDG6 contributions
On 15-16 February 2017, Peter Thomson, President of the General Assembly convened a two-day preparatory meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in order to consider the themes for the partnership dialogues and elements for a "Call for Action" in preparation for the June 2017 high-level United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14, known as the Oceans Conference.
The frail angels of the Black Sea
In the framework of the joint EU and UNDP project -“Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea – Phase II” (EMBLAS) new opportunities for public monitoring of the Black Sea coastal status using so called “ecological sentinels” are developed.
Solutions for a frozen river: cross border ice control on the Danube
Ice control has a long history on the Danube river. The extremely low temperatures experienced in the past weeks throughout the Danube River basin which have been causing continuous ice formation on the Danube are reminding us of the importance of cross-border cooperation.
Annex to the report "The 2015 Droughts in the Danube River Basin" (2.7 MB)
The Annex includes the “Questionnaire on the 2015 Droughts in the Danube River Basin” completed by thirteen Danube countries (AT, BA, BG, CZ, DE, HR, HU, MD, RO, RS, SI, SK and UA) including... European Union takes over ICPDR Presidency for 2017 from the Czech Republic
On Monday, 23 January, the European Union takes over the annual Presidency of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR).
Incoming President Peter Gammeltoft has set three main priorities for his term: strengthening of financial support for the ICPDR, assessing the impact of agricultural activities on the Danube River Basin environment, and increasing the visibility of the ICPDR.ICPDR convenes 19th annual Ordinary Meeting
On 6 and 7 December 2016 the ICPDR held its 19th Ordinary Meeting in Vienna.
Beside the heads of delegation and representatives of the 15 contracting parties to the ICPDR, about 60 participants from all Danube countries, observers and invited guests attended this important event.