Publications, documents and all other content
Fishing the entire Danube in just 42 days
A new plan for water management – for 2015 and beyond
Danube Watch 2/2009 (3.35 MB)
ICPDR Annual Report 2008 (4.37 MB)
EU Platina Project - Platform for the Implementation of NAIADES
The European Commission launched the PLATINA project to implement efficiently actions and measures promoting inland waterway transport. The project brought together 22 partners from 9 European countries and aimed to serve as a platform for helping to implement the European inland navigation programme NAIADES.
Danube Day 2009: Shared Water - Joint Responsibility
Danube Basin, 26 June 2009. The joint responsibility for the river’s water and resources by all countries and communities is the focus of the 6th Danube Day on 29 June. The highlight is the ICPDR Stakeholder Forum, which will be held on 29-30 June in Bratislava.
Interested stakeholders from sectors including agriculture, industry and environmental organizations will discuss the draft Danube River Basin Management Plan.-
TNMN Yearbook 2006 - Annex Data (1.02 MB)
TNMN Yearbook 2006 - long version (4.71 MB)
TNMN Yearbook 2006 (2.63 MB)