Publications, documents and all other content
Displaying 1051 - 1060 of 1354 items
Map 11: Ecological status and ecological potential of surface water bodies (931.08 KB)
Map 10: Transnational Monitoring Network – surface waters (1.06 MB)
Map 9: Protected areas (Natura 2000 and others) (3.4 MB)
Map 8 Future infrastructure projects planned by 2015 (1.09 MB)
Map 7c: Hydrological alterations/hydropeaking & altered flow regime – current situation (2009) (1.06 MB)
Map 7b: Hydrological alterations/water abstractions – current situation (2009) (1.09 MB)
Map 7a: Hydrological alterations/impoundments – current situation (2009) (1.09 MB)
Map 6: Wetlands/floodplains (>500 ha) with reconnection potential (2009) and expected improvement by 2015 (1.09 MB)
Map 5: River and habitat continuity interruption – current situation (2009) (1.07 MB)
Map 4: Transboundary Groundwater Bodies of basin-wide importance and their Transnational Monitoring Network (1.3 MB)