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Re-shaping the Danube Limes
Ministerial Meeting 2010 - Video
ICPDR Ministerial Meeting
Danube Basin: Shared Waters - Joint Responsibilities
Vienna, 16 February 2010
Length: 4 min. 33 sec.-
Next Steps Toward Environmentally Friendly Navigation (58.52 KB)
Next Steps Toward Environmentally Friendly Navigation
Zagreb, 10 March 2010. High-level officials of the ISRBC, ICPDR, DC, European Commission, state bodies and public institutions, dealing with navigation, environmental protection and sustainable development issues, from the Danube River Basin, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations have gathered yesterday and today to discuss the next steps towards a environmental friendly navigation.
Danube Declaration 2010 (89.35 KB)
Danube Basin: Shared waters - joint responsibilities. Declaration made by the Ministers of the Danube countries. -
Press release. Міністри узгодили дії щодо захисту басейну Дунаю (89.5 KB)
Press release. Ministri sprejeli načrt za okoljsko zaščito porečja reke Donave (93 KB)
Press release. Ministri sa dohodli na opatreniach na ochranu životného prostredia v Dunajskej kotline (91.5 KB)
Press release: Ministri postigli dogovor o zaštiti sliva reke Dunav (91 KB)
Press release: Ministrii au ajuns la un consens privind actiunile de protectie a mediului in bazinul Dunarii (87 KB)