Danube Watch Magazine
Danube Watch was the official magazine of ICPDR, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River.
It reported on issues affecting the Danube Basin, and on action taken to deal with challenges in the river basin. Striving for scientific accuracy while remaining concise, clear and readable, it was produced for the wide range of people who are actively involved in the Danube River Basin and are working for the improvement of its environment.
Displaying 271 - 280 of 562 items
Slovakia - Bringing basin-wide experience together
Czech Republic - Creating a connection to the Danube Basin
Austria - The “blue” Danube and the ICPDR
Germany - A shared responsibility to protect resources
Targets for all Danube countries to meet: implementing EU legislation
ICPDR Presidency 2014: continuity, coherence and cooperation from the Black Forest to the Black Sea
The flow of Danube cooperation: a history of shared responsibility
Danube Watch 1/2014 (1.98 MB)
Special: 20 Years ICPDR, The flow of international cooperation: A history of the ICPDR, ICPDR Presidency 2014: Bulgaria, Celebrating the Danube River Protection Convention Danube Day 2013
A hydropower balancing act