News & Media

Displaying 1 - 10 of 12 items
  • News & Media

    Improving the Safety of Tailings Management Facilities in the Danube River Basin

    Since March 2019, the ICPDR, in cooperation with the Babes-Bolyai University and the non-governmental organisation, “Sustainable Development Platform”, has been implementing a new project: “Capacity development to improve safety conditions of tailings management facilities in the Danube River Basin – Phase I: North-Eastern Danube countries”.

  • News & Media

    Public Participation: Interim Overview on Significant Water Management Issues (SWMIs)

    Vienna, 20 Dec 2019. The ICPDR provides an interim overview on Significant Water Management Issues (SWMIs) in the Danube River Basin District for the 3rd Danube River Basin Management Plan (3rd DRBMP) and invites the public to comment on this document until June 2020.

  • News & Media

    Fitness Check of the Water Framework Directive

    A fitness check of the Water Framework Directive, its associated Directives, and the Floods Directive concludes that they are overall fit for purpose, with some room for enhanced effectiveness.

  • News & Media 8 November 2019

    Press Release: Danube Day 2019 (3.85 MB)

    Danube Day 2019: “Get active for a safer Danube”
  • News & Media

    (Press Release) Danube Art Master Competition 2019: Winners announced

    VIENNA, 8th October 2019 - In a vintage year for young creativity in the Danube River Basin, the judges of the Danube Art Master competition found it especially challenging to pick a winner. Therefore, in 2019 there are three equal winners in the overall artwork category – Austria, Croatia, and Serbia – plus one winner for the video category, the video entry from Croatia.

  • News & Media

    (Press Release) Danube Day 2019: “Get active for a Safer Danube”

    VIENNA, 29 June – Eighty-one million people in all 14 Danube countries are invited to ‘Get active for a safer Danube’ on 29 June as part of the celebrations for the 14th annual Danube Day.

  • News & Media

    2018 Interim Report on the Implementation of the Joint Programme of Measures in the Danube River Basin

    The ICPDR has released a 23-page Interim Report on the implementation of its ‘Joint Program of Measures in the Danube River Basin’. The brochure is both a snapshot of the progress being made, and a look at the future of the ICPDR’s three main aims: to make Danube waters “cleaner”, “healthier”, and “safer”. It’s also the first such publication by the ICPDR to take on a new design-focused look, deploying more images and a clearer language in a public-friendly format.

  • News & Media 9 April 2019

    (Press Release) KLADOVO, 9 April 2019 - EU Project We Pass Kicked Off at the Iron Gates

    On Tuesday 9 April 2019, the EU project We Pass – facilitating fish migration and conservation at the Iron Gates – was kicked-off in the Hotel Aquastar, Kladovo (Serbia).

  • News & Media

    Red Sludge Spill in Hungary: One year after the accident

    Kolontár, 4 October 2010. A dam at a Hungarian aluminium factory near Kolontár broke. Approximately 1.5 million cubic metres of alkaline red sludge and water were released with disastrous consequences: 10 people died, hundreds of hectares of agricultural land were contaminated. One year after these events, we collected information on the current environmental conditions in the area. As an ongoing effort, the Accident Prevention and Control Expert Group of the ICPDR continues its work to avoid or mitigate such disasters in the future.

  • News & Media 22 September 2011

    Danube Art Master 2011: Winner's Trip to Budapest - Germany wins the competition with creative masterpiece

    Bratislava, 13 September 2011. German children have won the „International Danube Art Master 2011“ competition, as the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) announced today.