This page lists all news items that were published on the front page. For further information on any of these news items, please contact the ICPDR Secretariat. JDS3 Website online
Vienna, 12 July 2013. The official website of the Joint Danube Survey 3 is online: at, you can find information on the survey, public events and updates from the ships.
Guiding Principles on Hydropower adopted
Sarajevo, 19 June 2013. As an essential step in maintaining a dialogue with the hydropower sector, the ICPDR's Standing Working Group has adopted the "Guiding Principles on Sustainable Hydropower Development in the Danube Basin". The document is available for download here.
DD 2013: Get active for the sturgeons!
Danube Basin, 29 June 2013. Activities for kids, tours with wildlife guides, open days at water research facilities: Danube Day is colourful and diverse. On June 29, you can join tens of thousands of people throughout the Danube River Basin and celebrate the most successful river festival in the world.
Danube Day 2013: Video Message by Commissioner Hahn
Danube Basin, 29 June 2013. Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for Regional Development, reaches out to the people of the Danube River Basin in a video message on Danube Day.
Sava Day 2013
Sava Basin, 1 June 2013. The International Sava Day is celebrated today in the Sava sub-basin, opening June as the "month of rivers". Events will be organised in all countries of the Sava Basin and will range from cycling tours to the Sava Youth Parliament and other educational events.
Biodiversity Day 2013: Environmental education by Danubeparks
Danube Basin, 22 May 2013. With approximately 5000 native animal and 2000 plant species, the Danube River Basin is an important element in preserving biodiversity in Europe. To improve this further, educational activities are key. The Danubeparks network is now launching a new initiative in this field.
Earth Day celebrated at Danube
Earth, 22 April 2013. „Earth Day“ is celebrated all around the World, including many places in the Danube River Basin. Highlighting the responsibility that all people share for the well-being of our planet, many events are also dedicated to the condition of water. The Serbian “Supernatural Festival” demonstrated this.
Regional consultation on groundwater resources governance
The Hague, 19 – 21 March 2013. A consultation conference organized by UNESCO IHP upon the occasion of World Water Day discussed the regional issues of groundwater resources governance. Andreas Scheidleder, chairperson of the Groundwater Task Group, and other ICPDR representatives ensured a strong focus on the Danube River Basin.
Practical advice for building fish migration aids
Vienna, 26 March 2013. The ICPDR has published a manual with practical advice for measures that aim to ensure fish migration at transverse structures such as dams and weirs.
Workshop on Joint Program of Measures
Vienna, 4-5 April 2013. The ICPDR will hold a meeting to discuss the results of the Danube Joint Program of Measures, to learn about funding needs and existing potential funding for the actions, and to discuss the preparation of the Danube Basin Analysis and the 2nd Danube River Basin Management Plan.