Maps & Data
Displaying 201 - 210 of 212 items
DBA 2004 - Map 8: Potential Accident Risk Spots (2.96 MB)
Potential Accident Risk Spots Layers: Potential Accident Risk Spots (WRI 5-6, WRI 6-7, WRI 7-8, WRI 8-9) -
DBA 2004 - Map 7: Major Hydraulic Structures (1.35 MB)
Major Hydraulic Structures Layers: Hydraulic structures (mainly dams and weirs), Harbours, Waterways ECE I-IV, Waterways ECE V-VII, Free flowing river stretch, Strongly regulated river stretch... -
DBA 2004 - Map 6: Land Use (2.94 MB)
Land Use Layer: Aggregated land use classes (Coniferous forest, Deciduous forest, Grassland, Wetlands, Arable land, Urbanized area, Sparsly vegetated area, Sea) -
DBA 2004 - Map 5: Significant Point Sources of Pollution (3.11 MB)
Significant Point Sources of Pollution Layers: Nuclear power plants, Significant Point Sources (Municipal WWTP, Municipal untreated, Industrial, Agicultural) -
DBA 2004 - Map 4: Surface Water Bodies (3.12 MB)
Surface Water Bodies Layers: River water bodies, Lake water bodies (surface area > 100 km²), Transitional waters bodies, Coastal water bodies, Artificial water bodies -
DBA 2004 - Map 3: Annual Precipitation (3.23 MB)
Annual Precipitation Layer: Total Annual Precipitation -
DBA 2004 - Map 2: Relief and Topography (1.34 MB)
Relief and TopographyLayer: Altitude Wetlands and Floodplain Areas 1999
Maps of the Danube Basin Analysis (DBA) 2004
Common layers: Danube River Basin District (DRBD), Danube, Tributaries (river basins > 4,000 km²), Lakes (surface area > 100 km²), Lagoons (surface area > 100 km²), Black Sea Coastal Catchments, Canals, National borders, Cities
Scale: 1 : 4,500,000Databases
Inventories and databases are fundamental requisites to assess the human influences to the environment. The ICPDR has been empowered by the Danube countries to organise data collection and to process the received information to serve the decision making processes.