Task Groups

Task Groups (TGs) comprise national experts from ICPDR Contracting Parties and representatives of observer organizations. More topical than the Expert Groups of the ICPDR, Task Groups report to the Expert Groups and thereby make valuable contributions to the work of the ICPDR.
Groundwater Task Group
Reporting to the MA Expert Group, the Groundwater Task Group deals with issues related to transboundary groundwater bodies of Danube Basin-wide importance and all aspects of groundwater management in line with the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and EU Groundwater Directive.
Chairperson: Mr. Andreas Scheidleder (Austria)
Nutrients Task Group
Reporting to the PM Expert Group, the Nutrients Task Group deals with implementing measures in line with nutrient reduction. It works towards harmonizing ICPDR work with EU legislation such as the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive or Nitrates Directive and agricultural policies like CAP.
Chairperson: Mr. Franz Überwimmer (Austria)
Economics Task Group
The Economics Task Group (ECON TG) is a Task Group established under the River Basin Management Expert Group (RBM EG). The ECON TG supports ICPDR activities on water economics. The ICPDR ECON TG facilitates a win-win exchange of experience and discussions between Danube countries on the implementation of the economic components of the EU WFD and other relevant directives and policies, including the EU Floods Directive (EU FD).
Chairperson: Mr. Cristian Rusu (Romania)
Hydromorphology Task Group
The Hydromorphology Task Group (HYMO TG) is a Task Group established under the River Basin Management Expert Group (RBM EG). The HYMO TG supports ICPDR activities on the Significant Water Management Issue (SWMI) of hydromorphological alterations. Related to this topic, the HYMO TG helps to coordinate the implementation of the Danube River Basin Management Plan and its updates. The HYMO TG contributes as appropriate to the work of other ICPDR expert groups dealing with topics of relevance regarding hydromorphology.
Chairperson: Ms. Petra Repnik (Slovenia)