27th ICPDR Ordinary Meeting Highlights Regional Collaboration

On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 December 2024, the ICPDR held its 27th Ordinary Meeting at the Vienna International Centre. The event brought together Heads of Delegation and Heads of Delegation representatives from all Contracting Parties, expert group chairs, observers, and invited guests, along with online participants. Chaired by 2024 ICPDR President Vladimír Novák of Slovakia, this meeting served as a critical forum for advancing regional cooperation and sustainable water management within the Danube River Basin.
Over the course of two days, the meeting addressed a wide range of issues crucial to the sustainable management of the Danube River Basin. From flood risk management and biodiversity conservation to the development of advanced information systems, or public participation the discussions highlighted both achievements as well as future challenges. Several key topics from the meeting that reflect the ICPDR’s ongoing commitment to the region’s environmental and social needs include:
Leadership for 2025: Announcement of the New President
A highlight of the meeting was the announcement of the ICPDR President for 2025, Ms. Lidija Globevnik of Slovenia. This leadership transition underscores the ICPDR’s commitment to continuity in addressing key environmental priorities while fostering transboundary cooperation among its member states and the European Union.
Comprehensive Expert Group Updates
Discussions were anchored around reports from ICPDR’s Expert Groups, which form the backbone of the Commission’s technical work. Notable updates included:
- Monitoring and Assessment Expert Group (MA EG): Progress on the Joint Danube Survey 5 (JDS5) was a main focal point. JDS5, the most comprehensive scientific river survey globally, will deliver critical data to assess water quality, biodiversity, and hydrology.
- Pressures and Measures Expert Group (PM EG): Efforts to reduce hazardous substances pollution and improve wastewater management were highlighted. This included updates on sustainable agriculture practices and nutrient management to combat the basin-wide water quality challenges that have been observed.
Flood Risk Management and Resilience
The Flood Protection Expert Group (FP EG) presented a detailed review of recent floods in 2023 and 2024, providing valuable insights for enhancing flood resilience. Delegates also discussed updates to the Danube Flood Risk Management Plan (DFRMP) 2027, which includes revised hazard maps and flood forecasting tools. These updates aim to strengthen preparedness and mitigation strategies in order to protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems across the basin.
DRBMP 2027: Charting the Future of River Basin Management
The River Basin Management Expert Group (RBM EG) outlined a roadmap for the 2027 update of the Danube River Basin Management Plan (DRBMP). The roadmap focuses on balancing competing water uses while protecting ecosystems, with special emphasis on flagship biodiversity efforts like the conservation of Danube sturgeon species.
Sturgeons and WePass2: Conserving the Danube’s Flagship Species
Sturgeon conservation remained a priority during the meeting, with discussions on the WePass2 project, which focuses on restoring migration routes for this critically endangered species. Delegates emphasized the importance of protecting these “living fossils” as part of broader efforts to safeguard the Danube’s biodiversity and ecological integrity.
Additionally, discussions on transboundary fish migration barriers, particularly at the two Iron Gate dams, reaffirmed the ICPDR’s commitment to protecting the Danube’s iconic sturgeon species. Delegates explored strategies for facilitating upstream and downstream passage, an essential step for the species' recovery.
Public Participation and Youth Engagement
The ICPDR continues to prioritize public outreach and education through innovative campaigns. The Public Participation Expert Group (PP EG) showcased the success of initiatives like the #WaterwiseEU campaign, which engaged citizens in sustainable water use. The Danube Art Master awards ceremony was another highlight, celebrating young artists who created works inspired by the Danube’s beauty and challenges. Upcoming public participation activities, especially for JDS5, were also at the center stage of PP EG discussions.
Addressing Drought: Overview Report and Need for Harmonization
As the impacts of climate change become increasingly evident, the ICPDR presented its Drought Overview Report, offering actionable recommendations to enhance drought resilience across the basin. Delegates stressed the importance of harmonized approaches to water scarcity, ensuring that all member states can respond effectively to this growing challenge. The report will inform future strategy recommendations for securing water resources in the face of changing climatic conditions.
Development of ICPDR Information Systems
The meeting also highlighted advancements in the development and usage of ICPDR information systems, with the Information Management and GIS Expert Group (IMGIS EG) presenting updates on key tools such as DanubeGIS. These systems play a critical role in supporting data collection, analysis, and sharing across the basin, enabling more effective decision-making for river basin management. The work program for 2025-2027 aims to further enhance these systems, ensuring they remain at the forefront of water management technology.
Strengthened Collaboration with the EUSDR
The meeting also included an inspiring joint session with the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). This session emphasized the importance of aligning ICPDR’s work with broader EU priorities, including navigation, energy, and environmental protection. Such collaborations ensure that ICPDR activities remain integrated with regional priorities such as sustainable development, navigation, and climate adaptation.
Looking Ahead
The 27th Ordinary Meeting set the stage for the coming collaboration in 2025, ensuring that the ICPDR’s agenda is aligned with the region’s most pressing environmental and social needs.
Furthermore, this meeting underscored the ICPDR’s enduring commitment to cooperation, innovation, and sustainability. As the Commission nears the end of celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, it is poised to continue embodying the spirit of shared responsibility for Europe’s most international river basin.
Browse through the gallery below for some impressions of this event.