Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Adapting waterway/navigation management

  • Re-launching maritime transport through the Romanian Black Sea and Danube ports by expanding their functional structures to serve as logistical centres integrated in the inter-modal transport system

  • Avoidance of redundant transportation, changes in industrial production leading to lower transport requirements or shifting transport towards the season with high river discharges, if possible, could reduce the pressure on the navigation sector during months of low water flows

  • Providing a balanced framework for fair competition among ports

  • Gradual development of shipping on interior waterways through upgrading and expansion of port infrastructure, providing continuous access for vessels up to 2,000 tdw on the Romanian sector of the Danube and fluent navigation along the whole length of the Rhine- Main-Danube corridor

Adjustment of measures

  • Updating flood design values


  • Harmonization of national legislation in the area of water with the EU legislation, especially concerning the implementation of the EU WFD

  • Intergovernmental coordination and exchange of information to reinforce the implementation of relevant policies ((Water Framework Directive), flood protection (Flood Directive), and biodiversity conservation (Flora-Fauna-Habitat Directive and Birds Directive))

  • Review environment and health risk management for extreme conditions

  • Creating a supportive institutional framework (changing standards, legislation, and best practice guidance, and developing appropriate policies, plans and strategies)

  • Guidelines, governance and co-ordination – price signals, market -based instruments and private financing – EU Financing schemes