Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Transboundary connection of water supply systems

  • Transboundary connection of water supply systems

Update of guiding schemes, legal documents, etc.

  • Establishment, maintenance and updating of agreements upon procedures for mutual assistance among riparian countries in critical situations, including arrangement of formalities to facilitate the travel of flood response personnel from abroad and interoperability of emergency services’ equipment (whether by plane, boat or on land) during flood events

  • Update the guiding schemes of arrangement and management to take into consideration the effects of climate change

Use of soil-fertility maintaining and soil-water-saving techniques

  • Adaptation of cultivation methods that maintain soil fertility/structure and save water, e.g. application of mulch and plough-less soil treatment in order to lower water losses through transpiration, and decrease the release of carbon and the risk of erosion

  • Performance of periodical soil analysis and tests, in order to assess and correct the limiting factors which hinder the normal growth and development of plants (acidity, nutrient excess or deficit, etc.)

  • Modification of soil spreading, or the density of planning to preserve a certain volume of moisture in the root zone system

  • Use new agrotechnical methods to reduce loss of soil moisture

  • Conservation of soil moisture by fallowing and weed control

  • Implementation of sustainable soil management procedures, including agricultural lands and pastures

  • Implementation of agricultural systems contributing to the reduction of soil erosion and degradation