Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Support transport on waterways

  • Increasing the share of intermodal transport in the total transport of goods by increasing the use of inland waterways and railroad transport

  • Support the follow up process preparing a “Manual on Good Practices in Sustainable Waterway Planning”

Supporting water conservation measures, e.g.

  • Supporting sustainable land use management to secure water retention and ensure environmental flow, e.g. by grazing restrictions and ecological restoration

  • Conservation and drought contingency planning with a more efficient use of existing water supplies and minimization of the environmental impacts associated with developing new supplies, and delay the high cost of additional water supply development

  • Reviewing the local governments and water supply providers' conservation and drought contingency plans

Sustainable agricultural practices

  • Protection of the integrated production and ecological stability

  • Development and application of new, sustainable and environment-friendly technologies, e.g for plant protection and priority development of nonchemical methods against crop diseases and pests

  • Introduction of flood-tolerant species

  • Following nature conservation and flood control requirements

  • Using agricultural practices such as avoiding bare soil during precipitation season, minimise plough land on the slopes of hills