Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Monitoring systems

  • Adaptation of the hydrometric networks to track the impact of climate change on water resources, providing enough redundancy to obtain accurate estimations of naturalised stream flow series from observation, closing the water balance in each sub-basin

  • Monitor water demand closely and forecast it, based on improved knowledge about demands and trends.

Multipurpose measures

  • Measures which can be used for floods and droughts (e.g. reservoirs which can take up water in flood situations and provide water in drought situations)

  • Measures which can be used for floods and droughts (e.g. reservoirs which can take up water in flood situations and provide water in drought situations)

  • Measures which can be used for floods and droughts (e.g. reservoirs which can take up water in flood situations and provide water in drought situations)

Paying attention to the location of power plants

  • Using different locations for power plants (because of cooling water)

  • Promotion of decentralised sustainable energy generation where appropriate to local conditions to reduce risk

Plans what to do if a region runs out of water

  • Plans what to do if a region runs out of water

Precision farming

  • Precision farming

Prioritisation of adaptation measures

  • Establishment of criteria for prioritisation of adaptation options to improve the assessment and prioritisation of adaptation policies and measures, including the economic consequences of different adaptation measures