Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Knowledge transfer

  • Mobilizing actors and multiplying success

  • Promotion of the exchange of knowledge and experiences between politics, administrations, science, and the concerned actors Example of good practice: ADAM has produced an open-access web-based digital compendium that combines the heterogeneous knowledge of European impacts, vulnerability and adaptation

  • Using the results of scientific-research work both domestic and foreign to create a policy attitude towards climate change within the framework of sustainable regional development and development of rural areas


  • New regulations and standard criteria for options/measures

  • Putting in place requirements for prior authorization of abstractions

  • Coordination of the implementation of the principle “The user pays” for forest resources, together with all stakeholders

  • Development of a new version of the Environment Protection Law

  • Revise regulations and directives in forest management, including climate change impacts

  • Ensure eco-certification of all forest parts of the public right of each member state

Limitations of activities in flood plains

  • Limitations of activities in flood plains