Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Establishment of coordinated research programmes, e.g.

  • Research into the integration of all available instruments (technologies, systems, policies) to improve water efficiency in industrial, domestic and agricultural water use, including desalination

  • Research on drought tolerant crops, non-conventional water resources and more efficient irrigation technologies

Exchange Information

  • coordination and information exchange about new modifications to water bodies (hydropower dams for instance) between WFD and FD management since water bodies influence flood risks

  • torage of monitoring data concerning hydropower and thermal power generation in shared data bases available to scientists and water users

Extension of natural areas to maintain original habitat and ecosystem function/ services

  • Restoring wetlands in order to reduce the risks from climate-related floods and droughts

  • Strengthening the protection of water related ecosystems

  • Preservation and restoration of floodplains, including reversion of arable land to flood meadows

  • Maintenance of non-closed canopy in the forest steppe zone. Moving or translocating protected areas: if a habitat moves in response to changing conditions (e.g. to higher elevations), it may be necessary to extend the boundaries or even translocate animals and plants

Extension of the water recharge solutions of the phreatic layers

  • Extension of the water recharge solutions of the phreatic layers

Flood protection

  • Special construction for the attenuation of the high flood