Climate Change Adaptation Measures Toolbox

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This page provides a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox of possible adaptation measures. Please select one or more of the group filters below to obtain detailed information on the measures of interest.

Please find more information in the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Application of modern farming methods

  • Selection of proper drought-resistant crops, plant species and varieties

  • Runoff reduction by agronomic practices (No-tillage and cropping systems can reduce water runoff. Runoff, depending on soil characteristics, can also be delayed by tillage methods combined with plants having a high root density and lush surface cover)

  • Development of new complex agricultural water management programmes (combining irrigation, fishery and excess inland water management)

Application of modern farming methods, e.g. by including satellite data and modeling

  • Achieving optimal irrigation methods (e.g. correct timing)

Application of modern farming methods, e.g. by including soil moisture data

  • Modification of crop rotation according to the natural soil water regime (means an introduction of more “winter crops”)

Artificially recharge of groundwater

  • Artificially recharge of groundwater

Awareness raising, training and education of institutions

  • Improvement of institutional awareness of potential climate change related impacts on flood risk, for instance ensure that authorities responsible for climate change adaptation and flood risk management coordinate with river basin management

  • Encouraging the use of farming methods that are compatible with environmental protection, conservation of biodiversity, improved quality of water, soil and natural landscape in order to preserve and improve the condition of natural resources and of habitats

Awareness raising, training and education of the general public

  • Education and awareness raising

  • Raising public awareness of water-saving behaviour