Search Results

Displaying 31 - 40 of 100 results found
  • News & Media

    Workshop on Agriculture and Water Management

    Bucharest, 5-6 November 2012. The Danube and Tisza River Basin Management Plans require a dialogue between stakeholders from the agricultural and water management sectors. To facilitate this, a Workshop on Agriculture and Water Management in the Danube River Basin will be held in Bucharest between 5-6 November 2012.

  • Workshop 5 Nov 2012: Background Paper (707.14 KB)

    Background paper on measures and recommendations to reduce entries of nitrogen, phosphate and pesticides into water in the Danube River Basin by Manfred Röttele.
  • Publications

    2010 Floods in the Danube River Basin (1.74 MB)

  • Publications

    ICPDR Annual Report 2011 (4.21 MB)

  • News & Media

    Danube Art Master 2012: Czech Republic wins the competition

    Bratislava, 8 October 2012. Czech children have won the „International Danube Art Master 2012“ competition, as the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and Global Water Partnership CEE announced today.

  • News & Media

    Willamette River wins 2012 Thiess International Riverprize

    Melbourne, 9 October 2012. The Willamette River Initiative of Oregon, USA, was awarded the 2012 Thiess International Riverprize for excellence in river management by the International River Foundation (IRF).

  • News & Media

    1st Forum on EU Danube Strategy

    Regensburg, 27/28 November 2012. The first Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region will take place in Regensburg on 27 and 28 November 2012. It will deal with the question of how the Danube Region can help to build a more competitive Europe.

  • Legal Documents

    ToR PP EG (266.49 KB)

    Terms of Reference of the Public Participation Expert Group (PP EG) of the ICPDR, IC-107 rev3-final 2021
  • Legal Documents

    ToR FP EG (270.54 KB)

    Terms of Reference of the Flood Protection Expert Group (FP EG), IC-106 rev3-final 2021
  • Legal Documents

    ToR PM EG (270.1 KB)

    Terms of Reference of the Pressures and Measures Expert Group (PM EG), IC-105 rev3-final 2016