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    Evidence on plastic pollution has already been gathered in both the freshwater systems and the marine environment (including the Danube and the Black Sea) over the last decades. Scientific investigations identified strong linkages between marine pollution, terrestrial areas and land-based activities. Poor waste management, everyday littering, plastic industry facilities, consuming of products of textile and cosmetic industries in households and tire abrasion pollute rivers that further discharge plastic litter into the receiving seas. While priority should be given to reducing plastic pollution at source, river clean-up actions are also highly important to eliminate plastic litter accumulation hot-spots.

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    Our Topics

    In the Danube River Basin, five main pressures that affect water status: organic substance pollution, nutrient pollution, hazardous substance pollution, hydromorphological alterations and effects of climate change (drought, water scarcity, extreme hydrological phenomena and other impacts), have been identified as Significant Water Management Issues (SWMIs). The groundwater quantity and quality are also under constant pressure.

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    International Cooperation

    The ICPDR serves as a conduit for collaboration between Danube countries and the Black Sea region in matters necessitating coordinated action. It also collaborates with other international organizations in other river basins to tackle emerging challenges linked to water management (e.g., climate change adaptation). Partnerships with relevant international organizations to effectively address emerging challenges associated with water management, such as climate change adaptation are also part of the ICPDR's coopertaion activities.

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    The ICPDR has established itself as a reputable, impartial, non-profit international organization committed to fostering the sustainability of the Danube Basin. This distinguished reputation has been nurtured through continuous efforts, as the ICPDR collaborates with governments, the private sector, community organizations, and individuals to enhance the well-being of the Danube Basin. The ICPDR also actively collaborates with multiple commissions on specific subject matters.

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    EU Danube Strategy

    The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is an essential framework that strengthens cooperation and supports existing institutions in the Member States for the effective implementation of EU legislation. Recognizing the significance of the Danube River and its basin, the EUSDR fosters collaboration among the countries within the region to address common challenges and achieve shared objectives. By promoting integrated approaches, the EUSDR aims to enhance economic, social, and environmental development while preserving the unique natural and cultural heritage of the Danube region.

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    Other River Basin Organisations

    Rivers are a natural resource that have been a focal point of transboundary governance for centuries. It is challenging to manage them for the benefit of riparian communities – especially if they are transboundary. This requires the development of a water infrastructure to harvest the socioeconomic benefits, while at the same time protecting the ecosystem for future generations.

    River Basin Organizations (RBOs) have been established in many of the world’s basins to better coordinate different stakeholders’ actions and foster cooperation instead of conflict. Based on the experiences of several RBOs worldwide, several key characteristics for their effectiveness can be identified.

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    Sava Commission

    The Sava River is the largest tributary in discharge and the second largest in catchment area. The International Sava River Basin Commission was established in 2005 to implement the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FAS RB.) The commission’s main goal is coordinating transboundary cooperation in the Sava River Basin.

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    Receiving Sea: Black Sea

    The Danube River flows into the Black Sea at the Danube Delta, making the Black Sea the receiving sea for the Danube's water. A receiving sea refers to the body of water into which a river or other watercourse empties its flow. In this context, the Black Sea serves as the final destination for the waters of the Danube River.

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    Rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters, as well as groundwater, are vital natural resources. A significant proportion of water resources are exposed to environmental pollution or other potentially damaging pressures. Protecting and improving the waters of the Danube River Basin is therefore essential for the natural environment, the sustainable development of the region and the long-term health, well-being, and prosperity of the population.

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    WE PASS - Facilitating Fish Migration and Conservation at the Iron Gates

    We Pass was an initiative aiming to facilitate fish migration in the Danube River Basin, set up by the ICPDR, Jaroslav Černi Institute, DDNI, CDM SMITH, OAK Consultants, and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. The focus was on the preservation and reestablishment of endangered fish species migration routes in the Danube River, its tributaries, and specifically at the Iron Gates.