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    International Cooperation

    The ICPDR serves as a conduit for collaboration between Danube countries and the Black Sea region in matters necessitating coordinated action. It also collaborates with other international organizations in other river basins to tackle emerging challenges linked to water management (e.g., climate change adaptation). Partnerships with relevant international organizations to effectively address emerging challenges associated with water management, such as climate change adaptation are also part of the ICPDR's coopertaion activities.

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    The ICPDR has established itself as a reputable, impartial, non-profit international organization committed to fostering the sustainability of the Danube Basin. This distinguished reputation has been nurtured through continuous efforts, as the ICPDR collaborates with governments, the private sector, community organizations, and individuals to enhance the well-being of the Danube Basin. The ICPDR also actively collaborates with multiple commissions on specific subject matters.

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    EU Danube Strategy

    The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is an essential framework that strengthens cooperation and supports existing institutions in the Member States for the effective implementation of EU legislation. Recognizing the significance of the Danube River and its basin, the EUSDR fosters collaboration among the countries within the region to address common challenges and achieve shared objectives. By promoting integrated approaches, the EUSDR aims to enhance economic, social, and environmental development while preserving the unique natural and cultural heritage of the Danube region.

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    Other River Basin Organisations

    Rivers are a natural resource that have been a focal point of transboundary governance for centuries. It is challenging to manage them for the benefit of riparian communities – especially if they are transboundary. This requires the development of a water infrastructure to harvest the socioeconomic benefits, while at the same time protecting the ecosystem for future generations.

    River Basin Organizations (RBOs) have been established in many of the world’s basins to better coordinate different stakeholders’ actions and foster cooperation instead of conflict. Based on the experiences of several RBOs worldwide, several key characteristics for their effectiveness can be identified.

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    Sava Commission

    The Sava River is the largest tributary in discharge and the second largest in catchment area. The International Sava River Basin Commission was established in 2005 to implement the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FAS RB.) The commission’s main goal is coordinating transboundary cooperation in the Sava River Basin.

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    Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located at the convergence of Western, Central Southern Europe. Switzerland's natural landscape is marked by its numerous lakes and mountains, geographically divided among the Swiss Plateau, the Alps, and the Jura.

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    Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in Central Europe. Poland has a temperate transitional climate, and its territory traverses the Central European Plain, extending from the Baltic Sea in the north to Sudeten and Carpathian Mountains in the south.

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    North Macedonia

    North Macedonia, officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a landlocked country in Southeast Europe. Its terrain is mostly rugged, located between the Šar Mountains and Osogovo, which frame the valley of the Vardar River. Three large lakes - Lake Ohrid, Lake Prespa, and Dojran Lake - lie on the southern borders, bisected by the frontiers with Albania and Greece. Ohrid is considered one of the world's oldest lakes and biotopes.

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    Albania, officially the Republic of Albania, is a country in Southeastern Europe. The country is located in the Balkans on the Adriatic and Ionian Seas within the Mediterranean Sea. Albania has a variety of climatic, geological, hydrological, and morphological conditions. Albania boasts a significant diversity, with the landscape ranging from the snow-capped mountains in the Albanian Alps and the Korab, Skanderbeg, Pindus, and Ceraunian Mountains, to the hot and sunny Albanian Adriatic and Ionian Sea Coasts.

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    Italy, officially the Italian Republic or the Republic of Italy, is a country located in Southwestern Europe. Situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, it consists of a peninsula delimited by the Alps and surrounded by several islands; its territory largely coincides with the homonymous geographical region.