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Displaying 1 - 10 of 12 results found
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    Joint Danube Survey

    The key purpose of Joint Danube Surveys (JDS) is to produce reliable and comparable information on carefully selected elements of water quality for the length of the Danube River, including its major tributaries. Three Joint Danube Surveys have previously been conducted, in 2001, 2007, and 2013. The fourth of its kind, JDS4 was launched in June 2019 at sampling sites in 13 countries across the Danube River Basin.

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    European Riverprize

    The IRF European Riverprize is awarded annually since 2013 to reward best practice river basin management from the Urals to the Atlantic. The award was launched in a partnership between the ICPDR, the Coca-Cola Compay, the International River Foundation (IRF) and the European Center for River Restoration.

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    Heads of all Delegations (HODs)

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    Climate Change Adaptation

    Climate change poses a serious threat to our ability to manage our water resources in the Danube River Basin. In response, the ICPDR updated its Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change in 2018 based on the most recent research in the field.

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    Danube Box - "Danube goes School"

    Any child in the Danube Basin is able to name the closest river. But it might have difficulties to say where this river flows to. And it might be impossible for it to name the ten countries, the Danube flows through.
    The Danube Box - an education toolkit available in several languages and country versions - assist teachers in bringing the Danube closer to the minds of future generations.

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    Ministerial Conference 13 Dec 2004

    The ICPDR Ministerial Meeting 2004 was the first Meeting of the Parties to the Danube River Protection Convention. The Meeting was happeing in the year of the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Danube River Protection Convention. The meeting aimed to highlight the success achived and to get ready for the challanges to come.

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    ICPDR Stakeholder Conference 2005

    Participation of the stakeholder is a prerequisite for integrated river basin management planning.

    On occasion of Danube Day 2005, the ICPDR invited stakeholders from all riparian countries to participate in the first basin-wide stakeholder conference, which was held in Budapest, as Hungary was the ICPDR President in 2005.

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    Danube Delta Conference - February '06

    On 26-28 Feb 2006 an international conference on the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Danube Delta took place in Odessa, Ukraine, under the aegis of UNESCO and ICPDR. The aim of the conference was to generate a vision for the conservation and sustainable develoment of the Danube Delta.