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Displaying 31 - 40 of 417 results found
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    Task Groups

    Task Groups (TGs) comprise national experts from ICPDR Contracting Parties and representatives of observer organizations. More topical than the Expert Groups of the ICPDR, Task Groups report to the Expert Groups and thereby make valuable contributions to the work of the ICPDR.

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    ICPDR Presidency

    In the most international river basin in the world, Danube leaders recognize that they hold the future of the basin’s waters in their hands. The ICPDR is a worldwide model for cooperation in river basin management, and the role of the Danube countries as guardians of the precious resources of the river basin is always at the heart of the ICPDR’s work.

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    EU Danube Strategy

    The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is an essential framework that strengthens cooperation and supports existing institutions in the Member States for the effective implementation of EU legislation. Recognizing the significance of the Danube River and its basin, the EUSDR fosters collaboration among the countries within the region to address common challenges and achieve shared objectives. By promoting integrated approaches, the EUSDR aims to enhance economic, social, and environmental development while preserving the unique natural and cultural heritage of the Danube region.

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    Other River Basin Organisations

    Rivers are a natural resource that have been a focal point of transboundary governance for centuries. It is challenging to manage them for the benefit of riparian communities – especially if they are transboundary. This requires the development of a water infrastructure to harvest the socioeconomic benefits, while at the same time protecting the ecosystem for future generations.

    River Basin Organizations (RBOs) have been established in many of the world’s basins to better coordinate different stakeholders’ actions and foster cooperation instead of conflict. Based on the experiences of several RBOs worldwide, several key characteristics for their effectiveness can be identified.

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    Significant Water Management Issues (SWMIS)

    The EU Water Framework Directive aims to make all waters cleaner and healthier. To meet these requirements, the ICPDR's Danube River Basin Management Plan closely examines the most important pressures affecting water status.
    Significant water management issues, called SWMIs, are the central pressures of basin-wide importance affecting the ecological and chemical status of surface waters, including pollution by organic substances, nutrients, and hazardous substances, as well as hydromorphological alterations. The first interim overview on the Significant Water Management Issues was created in 2007 for the 1st DRBM. The SWMIs outlined in this report were derived based on the requirements of the WFD and mainly related to quality aspects. For transboundary groundwater bodies, both qualitative and quantitative issues are addressed.

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    Sava Commission

    The Sava River is the largest tributary in discharge and the second largest in catchment area. The International Sava River Basin Commission was established in 2005 to implement the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FAS RB.) The commission’s main goal is coordinating transboundary cooperation in the Sava River Basin.

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    Outreach Activities

    The ICPDR outreach activities activate the participation of youth: this is high and most important on our agenda! On this topic, many activities have already been in place for several years, such as Danube Day, Danube Box and Danube Art Master.

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    Keeper of the Danube

    Welcome to the ICPDR! With more than 800,000 square kilometers, the Danube River Basin extends into the territories of 19 countries, and covers 10% of Continental Europe it is considered the most international river basin in the World!

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    Accident Prevention & Control

    Accidental pollution events are dangerous form of water contamination by hazardous substances. Industrial facilities, mining areas and contaminated sites that store, process or produce such substances in substantial amounts pose hazard (potential risk) to water. To avoid pollution accidents appropriate prevention measures have to be in place.

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    Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located at the convergence of Western, Central Southern Europe. Switzerland's natural landscape is marked by its numerous lakes and mountains, geographically divided among the Swiss Plateau, the Alps, and the Jura.