Business Friends show corporate responsibility
Business Friends show corporate responsibility
Business Friends show corporate responsibility
How can leading agricultural companies protect water and ecosystems in the Danube River Basin? On 23 March 2012, the ICPDR and the Business Friends of the Danube will address this question in an Agricultural Forum in Budapest.
The forum demonstrates efforts to strengthen cooperation between the ICPDR and business in meeting the goals of the EU Water Framework Directive and fostering corporate commitment in water stewardship. The forum is an opportunity to showcase achievements as well as future intentions related to water management.
To combat agricultural pollution, the ICPDR has compiled recommendations on best agro-industrial techniques for all relevant point discharges of agriculture. These serve as tools for decision-makers and local environmental and agricultural authorities to decrease pollution. A major topic of the forum will be the Danube Strategy and the opportunities it creates.
The forum will offer an exchange between the international agricultural sector, leading companies with a special interest in water use or with a great impact on water resources and non-governmental organisations. The forum will also attract key EU institutions and government representatives of Danube countries dealing with environment and agriculture.
For more information, please contact the ICPDR Secretariat at vpcqe@haivraan.betgro.anneivnu@rdpci . (BM)