News & Media

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 items
  • News & Media

    ICPDR highlighted at 3rd EUSDR Annual Conference

    Vienna, 26/27 June 2014. The 3rd EUSDR Annual Conference put the spotlight on the ICPDR at several occasions: the commission’s 20th anniversary was celebrated through a special session; and exhibitions, plenary and working group sessions dealt with improving the alignment of ICPDR and EUSDR work – reinforced by a ministerial declaration.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR Image Video with Subtitles (2014)

    In 2014, the ICPDR Video Clip was supplemented with subtitles in order to make it more accessible to non-English speaking audiences in some ICPDR countries. Here, you can watch the clips with German, Romanian and Ukrainian sub-titles.

  • News & Media

    EU Auditors: CAP should take better account of water

    Luxemburg, 13 May 2014. According to an EU Audit, the union has only partially succeeded in integrating water policy goals into the common agricultural policy (CAP). The audit highlighted weaknesses in the two instruments currently used to integrate water concerns into the CAP and pointed out delays and weaknesses in the implementation of the WFD.

  • News & Media

    5th Joint Statement Meeting held in Zagreb

    Zagreb, 4-5 Feb 2014. The 5th Follow-up of the Joint Statement Meeting was held in Zagreb on 4-5 February. Hosted by the International Sava River Basin Commission, representatives from navigation and environment discussed projects and policies.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR Goodwill Ambassadors: Messengers of the Danube

    Vienna, 3 Feb 2014. Wolfgang Stalzer of Austria and Fritz Holzwarth of Germany are the first dignatories of a new ICPDR honorary function: as ICPDR Goodwill Ambassadors, they will resume a representative role for the Commission in international matters.