News & Media

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  • News & Media

    How do you take a scientific selfie of an International River? ICPDR Participates at Austria-wide Long Night of Research

    On 20th May 2022, the ICPDR along with other UN-based organizations, including CTBTO, IAEA, IOM, UNIDO, UNODA and UNODC, participated in this year’s “Long Night of Research” (“Lange Nacht der Forschung”) Austria’s biggest science event for the public.

  • News & Media 25 September 2013

    Budapest Water Summit

    Budapest, 8-11 October 2013. The Budapest Water Summit will be held in the Hungarian capital between 8 and 11 October 2013. The summit, organised by the Hungarian government in cooperation with the UN System and the World Water Council, will be one of the major events of the year relating to water and sanitation.