News & Media

Displaying 31 - 36 of 36 items
  • News & Media

    Joint Commitment in Tisza River Basin - Good Water Quality for all Tisza Countries

    Uzhgorod, 11 April 2011. The five Tisza River Basin countries Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine entered a new stage in joint water management to ensure good water quality. In the course of a Ministerial Meeting held in Uzhgorod (Ukraine), a management plan was signed that commits the five countries to further cooperation in their efforts to protect the valuable environment of the basin. What used to be a matter of individual countries is now an international endeavour.

  • News & Media

    3rd Joint Statement Meeting, 5-6 April, Vienna

    Vienna, 5 April 2011. After the 2nd Joint Statement Meeting held in Zagreb last year, the ICPDR Secretariat has the pleasure to welcome the participants for the 3rd Joint Statement Meeting on Inland Navigation and Environmental Sustainability on 5th and 6th April 2011 in Vienna.

  • News & Media

    UNDP Film: Restoring the Danube River and the Black Sea

    The United Nations Development Programme produced a video on the restoration of the Danube River and the Black Sea.

  • News & Media

    The Ukrainian Presidency of the ICPDR

    Vienna, 19 January 2011. Ukraine took over the presidency of the ICPDR. In this article, President Mykola Melenevskyi gives an overview on his agenda and the key issues for his presidency.

  • News & Media

    World Wetlands Day 2018 - Wetlands are an invaluable part of the Danube River Basin

    Vienna, 2 February 2018. The 2nd of February is the World Wetlands Day. The ICDPR takes this occasion to highlight the vital significance of wetlands in the Danube River Basin.

  • News & Media

    Ukraine Takes Over Presidency of ICPDR

    Vienna, 19 January 2011. Environmental aspects of the danube strategy and pushing sub-basin management are among the top priorities of the 2011 presidency