News & Media

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 items
  • News & Media

    How the Danube meets the Elbe: SedNet-ICPDR-ICPER Round Table event in November

    Sediment Management is an essential element of River Basin Management Plans. Sediment is an essential, integral and dynamic part of our river basins. Where human activities interfere with sediment quantity or quality, sediment management becomes necessary. the European Sediment Network (SedNet), aims at providing scientific and user oriented input into the WFD implementation phase and organised its third Round Table in cooperation with the ICPDR and the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR also celebrates 20 years National Park Donauauen

    On 27 October 2016, the Donauauen National Park celebrated 20 years of existence. ICPDR Executive Secretary Ivan Zavadksy addressed in his keynote speech the parallels that can be drawn between the creation of the ICPDR and that of Danube Parks - both results of environmental awareness-raising following the fall of the iron curtain and both institutions to be considered as “agents of change”.

  • News & Media

    Spain's Segura River wins IRF European RiverPrize

    Vienna, 3 March 2016. The Segura River of Spain has been named the winner of the International RiverFoundation's 2016 European Riverprize. The award ceremony took place in Vienna's city hall for the third time.

  • News & Media

    International Black Sea Action Day

    Samsun, 30 October 2009. International Black Sea Action Day will be celebrated on October 30-31 in Samsun, Turkey, with activities jointly organized by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forest and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission). Within this context, a two-day workshop is being organized where the threats facing the sea, efforts to cope with these threats in various fields and the current situation of the Black Sea will be discussed.